embracing the art of slow living

Embracing the Art of Slow Living: My Raspberry Summer

Becoming presently present is my No.1 intention this year.

Since the beginning of 2023, I have been purposefully cultivating the habit of presence, through practice, self-reflection, and feedback.

My daily practice of becoming more present has shown itself to be a deeply intentional experience. 

I have learned more about myself and others, by being curious, listening deeper, and giving permission to be 100% engaged in whatever I have been doing. During client coaching calls, I have up-leveled my engagement commitment by setting a 90:10 goal – to listen the deepest I can 90% of the time and talk 10% or less. A determined work in progress with proven positive results – better outcomes for my clients!

Over the summer, I have morphed my intention with slow living. 

When you slow down the pace of life, you start to experience everything around you, on a more conscious and connected level. With eyes and ears wide open, your surroundings amplify. It is an incredible experience to slow down your mind, and your body and to surrender to embracing the art of slow living.

One of my joys this summer has been the daily ritual of picking raspberries in my garden.

The precious gift of Mother Nature’s bounty has delivered such a wonderful harvest. What I have enjoyed most is making raspberry picking a daily habit. For me, this has become a time to step outside, away from my coaching work, and to connect fully with nature.

Picking raspberries became a sanctuary for me, and an activity I was excited to make time for each day. Feeding my curiosity, each day became an adventure because I never knew where some of the raspberries were hiding. Many I spotted immediately, yet others I would search for, lifting leaves to see where the next juicy fruit was waiting to be found.

Going slow and picking raspberries became such a joyful habit which made me smile every day.  

What I learned most from the experience was to savour the moment. To give myself permission to connect with myself, to spend time in silence, in deep connection with the act of raspberry picking. I savoured every part of the moment – feeling the sun, listening to the birds, in deep, deep connection.

With gracious thanks to Mother Nature for her bounty this summer, I was able to enjoy the fruits of my labour, making and sharing delicious raspberry and vanilla jam with friends, and enjoying a bowl or two of fresh raspberries with cream!

A truly unique and pleasurable experience, I look forward to next year’s crop of even more of those juicy red fruit.

What did you do this summer that gave you the most joy when you made time to savour the moment? 

During this sacred time, what did you notice about the power of the moment? How did the time help you? Did the experience refresh your thinking, or simply gift you, absolute peace, and calm – a time for you to take care of yourself, in mind, body, and soul?

Now, as the season turns to autumn, I continue my practice of being presently present and embracing the art of slow living. Nature abounds with colour and change. I can feel the wind and hear the rustle of leaves underfoot. My awareness grows and I look forward to savouring many moments.

What will you do to cultivate a joyful habit of going slow so you can savour the moments of your life?


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