Step Up, Shake it Off & Shine

The Can Do Way: Step Up, Shake it Off & Shine

SMEQuest had an opportunity to interview executive performance and leadership coach, Gail Gibson, to know more about her Can Do journey into entrepreneurship and how other women can find their path into leadership.

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When Opportunity Knocks
Business Development

Ignite Your Can Do Mindset: When Opportunity Knocks

The Merriam Webster dictionary cites the definition of the term ‘when opportunity knocks’ as ‘when a person gets the chance to do something he or she wants to do.’ An interesting thought I have contemplated on many occasions.

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From Isolation to Revelation

Ignite Your Can Do Mindset: From Isolation to Revelation

What a time for introspection, wouldn’t you agree? Right now, for many of us, we live our days in a state of forced isolation. The impact, even though it is immense on our mental, emotional, and physical state, provides us with a unique opportunity to step inside ourselves. Unforced, liberating, and available – the act of going inside for calm when all around us is chaos.

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Why I Walk in Nature
Limiting Beliefs

Ignite Your Can Do Mindset: Why I Walk in Nature

Whether you’re switched on digitally or not, there is a lot going on. We frequently overfill our diaries, our time, and our minds. Do you feel like you have been pulled into the vortex and you’re spinning endlessly? If only you could press stop.

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